Monday, July 1, 2024

10 Free React.js Courses on Udemy in 2024 - Best of Lot

 Hello guys, if you want to learn React.js and looking for free resources like online courses, books, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best React coursesbooksprojects and best places to learn React.js for free and in this article, I will share best free online courses to learn React.js on Udemy. Before we get to the 10 best free React courses on Udemy that will teach you everything you need to know about React, let me tell you what it really is. For those of you who don't know, React is basically a UI development library that is based on JavaScript. It is maintained by Facebook and an open-source developer community. You can think of React as a library that behaves like a programming language. 

It is widely used in web development. Since it was first introduced in 2013, React has gone on to become one of the most famous front-end libraries for web development.

One of the main advantages that React has is that it offers developers many extensions that provide application architectural support. These extensions go beyond simple UI and include Flux and React Native.

Another important thing to note is that React allows developers to easily create dynamic web applications. It requires very less coding but offers a lot more functionality. This is unlike JavaScript, where coding can quickly become really complex.

React also offers improved performance by making use of the Virtual DOM. This means that it is very easy to create web applications. It is useful for comparing the component's previous states and updates. 

10 Free React Courses On Udemy for Beginners to Learn in 2024

Here we have compiled a list of the 10 best free React courses on Udemy. Keep reading to find out more. 

1. React JS Frontend Web Development For Beginners [Udemy]

This is a wonderful course that will teach you everything you need to know about React along with modern JavaScript from absolute scratch. In this way, it is absolutely perfect for complete beginners.

In this course, you will learn Modern JavaScript and React JS from absolute scratch. you will learn to make AJAX requests to get data from remote API and display into your web application.

Course Duration: 3 hours
Course Rating: 4.6 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Ryan Dhungel
Course Price: Free

In short, It is a perfect starting guide for beginners looking to enter the amazing world of React or anyone who wants to learn the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript, and Rect.js both. 

In this fantastic course, you will learn about all the core features of React JS. You will also become a very advanced developer in React JS. You will be able to master React Hooks and Context. 

Course Duration: 2 hours
Course Rating: 4.6 stars 
Course Instructor: Sangam Mukherjee
Course Price: Free

Here are things you will learn in this course :
  • Learn React from absolutely scratch
  • Learn React Hooks and Context Api
  • Start your journey as React JS developer
  • Learn props and state management in React
By the end of this course, you will become an expert React JS developer. 

3. React for Beginners [Udemy]

This course will act as a great brief introduction to the amazing world of React. It is perfect for beginners as you will learn about React JS from absolute scratch. You will learn exactly what React is and why is it used.

Course Duration: 2 hours
Course Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Ashutosh Pawar
Course Price: Free

This course will help you get up and running with React, if you are an absolute beginner and want to learn what is React then this is a perfect course to begin with.

We will learn what is React, what are components and different types of components i.e functional and class based components. We will also learn state management in React and how state could be used to store data in our React code.

Here are the key things you will learn in this course:
  • What is React
  • Installing React & creating React project
  • Understand how React app works
  • What are components in react
  • Functional components
  • Class components
  • Understanding JSX
  • Understanding props
  • Using props in functional & class components
  • Understanding state
  • Using state in functional & class components
  • Event handling
The course will teach you everything you need to know about functional and class-based components in React.  

This is a great course that will help you take your state management skills in React to another level. You will be able to do this by using the React redux toolkit rather than the traditional React. The course will teach you how to manage the state using the redux toolkit. 

Course Duration: 2 hours
Course Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Novotek Academy
Course Price: Free

This course is all about managing the state in react application using the redux toolkit. Each topic included in this course is added incrementally, to make sure that you have a solid foundation of knowledge. 

You'll find plenty of example to understand exactly when and where to use each feature of React and Redux.You will also learn how to use createStore, createAcrion, createReducer, and createSlice. 

Using this wonderful course, you will be able to learn React JS by coding a birthday reminder app. You will learn how to use WebDriverIO and visual e2e testing for checking web and mobile compatibility. You will also be able to identify a wonderful testing strategy for the application. 

Course Duration: 1 hour
Course Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Nikolay Advolokin
Course Price: Free

After joining this free React course, you'll be able to build a small React application, in less than 30 minutes.

Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build a birthday reminder react app with the popular programming language, JavaScript.

You’ll be provided with access to the source code so you can jump to the relevant part in the code and try to work with this react project on your own.

This is an exciting course that will teach you everything you need to know about the basics of React in the shortest time possible. The course will also teach you everything you need to know about React, Web Development, and React Hooks. 

Course Duration: 1 hour
Course Rating: 4.6 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Tom Bowden
Course Price: Free

This free beginner tutorial is based on React’s official documentation.

The videos in this course are short and to the point. No unnecessary chit-chat. No mistyping. No humming and hawing. Just the facts and the code. You’ll waste no time and learn what you need to know in the shortest time possible.

7. React Basics For Beginners [Free Course on Udemy]

In this fantastic course, you will learn everything you need to know about the different components of React and JSX. You will start the course by learning about the basics of React. Then you will move on to understand what exactly is React.  By the end of this course, you will be able to create a very simple but efficient web app using React. 

Course Duration: 2 hours
Course Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Web University By Harsha Vardhan
Course Price: Free

This is the React course for beginners which covers basics of React. Here are key topics you will understand the following topics:
  • Introduction to React

  • Creating React App

  • Creating React Components

  • Rendering data in React Components

  • Virtual DOM

  • Load Bootstrap in React

  • Update React Component State

Since free courses can be of maximum of 2 hours, instructor can't cover more topics in this course. If you need a comprehensive course of React, you can checkout his React Premium course called "React for Busy Developers", which covers all essentials of React with a Live e-Commerce project along with React Hooks.

8. React - Build Your React App Fast Using The React Design System [Udemy]

In this wonderful course, you will learn how to create a wonderful React website fast as ever before. You will do this by the Creative Tim Argon Design System for React. The best news is that this design system is completely free, which means that you can start today. 

Course Duration: 2 hours
Course Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Icaro Lavador
Course Price: Free

Here are key things you will learn in this free course:
  • How to create a portfolio page in React
  • How to use Creative Tim Design System for React
  • How to break down a website into distinct components
  • What is and how to use a Design System
Overall a great free course to anyone who want to learn React online for FREE. 

This fantastic course will help you polish your React skills. You will be able to do this by converting a normal HTML website into an exciting React JS application.

Course Duration: 1 hour
Course Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Sudais Ahmed
Course Price: Free

10. React Fundamentals [Free Course]

This is a short introductory course which will teach you the magic of React. React is a JavaScript library, which lets you build user interfaces using separate components. 

Course Duration: 1 hour
Course Rating: 4.2 stars out of 5
Course Instructor: Edvinas Daugirdas
Course Price: Free

Here are key things you'll learn how to set up your own React environment in just matter of minutes and learn such concepts as:
  • React elements
  • JSX
  • Components
  • Props
  • State
  • Lifecycle methods
  • Containers
  • Form and input managing 
  • Conditional Rendering
  • React Router V4

In short, a great free React.js course for anyone who wants to learn React and deepen their knowledge about coding

That's all about the best free courses to learn React.js on Udemy in 2024. If you liked this list of the 10 best free React courses on Udemy, feel free to share it with your friends and family. You can also drop a comment if you have any doubts about React JS, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Other Programming and Web Development Courses you may like
Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best free online React and Redux courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you prefer reading books to joining online courses or looking for the best React books then you can also check this list of best React Books to further enhance your React.js knowledge and become a React Master in 2024. 

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