Saturday, December 10, 2022

How much Indian Rupees (INR) Indians can carry from India to Dubai?

If you are going for holidays or work to Dubai, Singapore, or the USA from India and wondering how much Indian rupees you can carry to overseas then you need to know the Indian customs official limit about the export of Indian currency. As per Indian customs rules, Export of Indian Currency is strictly prohibited. However Indian residents, when they go abroad, can take Rs. 25,000/ or INR twenty-five thousand with them. This rule is same for going to any country in the world e.g. you can take 25K INR if you are going to Dubai, Singapore or India.

Though, it's always better to check the customs rules of the country you are traveling to avoid any hassle and to get some knowledge about what is prohibited item in the country and what are the rules related to customs duty and duty-free allowances. 

Most of the popular tourist destination like Dubai and Singapore has pretty relaxed custom duty and you can import electronics and other gift items from Singapore and Dubai e.g. TV or Gold. You can even get Tax rebate like GST refund on Singapore when you check-in on Airport.

But, when you want to bring something to India e.g. Smart TV, it's best to check the Indian Customs rules whether they are duty-free or not. Many tourists going to Singapore bring back TV from there but not all TVs are duty-free. I guess you can only bring one TV and its size should not exceed 40 inches if I am not wrong.

India and Dubai Custom Limits for Cash - FAQ

Here are some of the frequently asked questions related to taking Indian rupees and foreign currency from India when you are going for travel or employment to abroad

Can an NRI Carry Indian currency out of India?
As per Indian customs rules, export of Indian currency is prohibited but any resident Indian or NRI can take up to 25K INR along with them into flight. When they return, they can also bring back the same amount. That's the reason when demonetization happened, NRIs was only able to convert Rs 25,000.

How much INR can I carry to Dubai?
You can take up to 25K INR from India to Dubai in cash.

What is the currency of Dubai?
The United Arab Emirates Dirham (UAE Dirham) is the local currency in Dubai. There are no currency restrictions in the UAE, and all major currencies in the world are accepted and exchanged. Bank notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 dirham, while coins are used in denominations of 25 and 50 fils and 1 dirham. The dirham is pegged to the US dollar. As per today's exchange rate 1 United Arab Emirates Dirham equals to 17.52 Indian Rupee.

How much Dirham/AED can you take to Dubai?
You can carry up to 1,00,000 UAE drama to Dubai, but Customs rules in Dubai required you to disclose cash, traveler's cheques, jewelry and precious metals in their possession that exceed in value AED 100,000 or its equivalent in other currencies. You can do so by filling the disclosure form designed for this purpose pursuant to the disclosure system applicable in the country. Passengers below 18 years of age shall not be permitted to bring in money exceeding the said limit and the amount in his/her possession shall be added to his/her guardian`s permitted limit if accompanied by one.

How much Indian rupees can NRI carry to India?
The limit for NRI and Resident Indian is same, they can carry 25,000 INR to India from Dubai.

How much cash can I carry from UAE to India?
Indian residents going abroad are permitted to take with them foreign currency without any
limit so long as the same has been purchased from an authorized foreign exchange dealer.

How many dirhams can I carry from India to UAE?
same as above, you can take as much Dubai currency as you want.

How much Indian currency can I carry to Dubai
Tourists while leaving India are allowed to take with them foreign currency not exceeding an amount brought in by them at the time of their arrival in India. As no declaration is required to be made for bringing in foreign exchange/currency not exceeding the equivalent of U.S. $ 10,000, generally tourists can take out of India with them at the time of their departure foreign exchange/ currency not exceeding the above amount.



  1. If you are travelling outside your country, you need to carry money of that nationality. Few things to take care of:
    1) Carry 25% of the money in cash needed to pay to taxi or local vendors. The other 75% should be in card.
    2) Do not exchange money at airport. They charge heavy exchange rates and there is no scope for bargain.
    3) Try carrying money in USD. Majorly because it is widely accepted and also is easy for exchange.
    4) Do your research for best exchange rates before exchanging your cash. I have been using services from Centrum Forex and am pretty satisfied with them. You may also refer to their website:

    1. Ritika can the currency exchange be done at a bank like Hdfc

  2. I'd prefer to use an international credit or debit card instead. But if someone who dont have one can get guidance from travel agencies as well.

  3. Can global mastercard ( debit card) of nationalised Indian bank be used in dubai ?

  4. What is total budget of two person for one week in dubai
