Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Is the "Java Fundamentals" Course by Angie Jones on Frontend Masters Worth It?

Hello guys, today I am going to review a Java course which I was initially surprised to find because its from Frontend Masters. For long time, I thought Frontend Masters is just for frontend web development but I was pleasantly surprised to find the backend related course, particularly one which is focused on Java. Frontend Masters is renowned for providing high-quality programming courses, and one of its offerings is the "Java Fundamentals" course taught by Angie Jones. In this article, we will delve into the course content, instructor credentials, teaching approach, and the overall value it provides to help you determine if it's worth your investment.

Java Fundamentals by Angie Jones Course Review

The "Java Fundamentals" course on Frontend Masters, led by Angie Jones, aims to equip beginners and individuals seeking to refresh their Java skills with a solid foundation in Java programming. The course covers crucial concepts, syntax, and best practices necessary for building Java applications.

Instructor Credentials - Who is Angie Jones?

Angie Jones is a distinguished software engineer, automation expert, and international speaker with extensive experience in the industry. She has worked for notable tech companies such as IBM, Twitter, and Apple, specializing in Java programming and automation testing. Angie's expertise and professional background make her a suitable instructor for the "Java Fundamentals" course.

Course Content and Structure

The course is structured to cover Java fundamentals systematically. It starts with an introduction to Java, explaining its benefits and how it fits into the programming landscape. From there, it delves into key topics such as variables, data types, control flow, object-oriented programming principles, exception handling, input/output operations, and more.

Angie Jones ensures that each concept is explained clearly and provides practical examples to illustrate their usage. The course also includes coding exercises and quizzes to help reinforce learning and test your understanding of the material.

The course content is structured systematically to cover Java fundamentals comprehensively. Here's an overview of the topics covered:

Introduction: Angie Jones introduces the course, provides her professional background, and guides learners through the setup process, including installing IntelliJ and Java.

Conditions & Loops: This section covers essential concepts such as variables, control flow, if statements, switch statements, loops (while, do-while, and for), and nested loops.

Methods, Objects & Data Types: Angie delves into methods, object-oriented programming principles, variable scope, constructors, instantiating objects, sending and receiving objects, records, wrapper classes, and more.

Arrays & Text Processing: This section explores arrays, random number generation, working with strings, text blocks, and string manipulation using StringBuilder.

Inheritance: Angie covers the topic of inheritance, discussing how classes extend other classes, overriding methods, overloading methods, limiting access, and sealed classes.

Polymorphism & Abstraction: Learners will understand polymorphism, type casting, instanceof operator, abstract classes, interfaces, and multiple inheritance.

Data Structures: This segment provides an overview of Set, List, Queue, and Map data structures, along with their usage and operations.

Functional Interfaces & Streams: Angie introduces functional interfaces, streams, intermediate and terminal operations, filtering, mapping, reducing, and utilizing the collect operation.

Exceptions: Learners will grasp exception handling, checked and unchecked exceptions, multiple exception handling, file handling, throwing and rethrowing exceptions.

Teaching Approach

Angie Jones employs an engaging teaching style, breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable parts. She emphasizes practical applications of Java, illustrating real-world scenarios and best practices. The course includes coding exercises, demonstrations, and explanations to ensure learners comprehend the material thoroughly.

Is the "Java Fundamentals" Course by Angie Jones on Frontend Masters Worth It?

Value and Benefits

The "Java Fundamentals" course on Frontend Masters offers several benefits:

Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers a wide range of fundamental Java topics, providing a solid foundation for further Java development or automation testing.

Practical Examples: Angie Jones focuses on real-world applications and industry best practices, enabling learners to understand how Java concepts are implemented in professional scenarios.

Experienced Instructor: With Angie Jones' industry expertise and extensive experience in Java programming, learners can benefit from her valuable insights and guidance.

Interactive Learning: The course incorporates coding exercises, quizzes, and demonstrations, allowing learners to actively participate, reinforce their understanding, and assess their progress.

Reputation and Platform Quality: Frontend Masters has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality courses, ensuring that the "Java Fundamentals" course maintains a standard of excellence.


The "Java Fundamentals" course by Angie Jones on Frontend Masters is a valuable investment for beginners and those seeking to enhance their Java programming skills. Angie's expertise, the course's comprehensive content, practical examples, and interactive learning approach provide learners with a solid foundation in Java. While the course offers substantial value, supplementing it with additional practice, resources, and real-world projects will further enhance your skills and proficiency in Java programming.

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