Friday, October 4, 2024

10 Essential Java Development Tools for Beginners in 2025

Hey guys, tools are very important for any programmer. They not only help in your day-to-day task but they also help to shape your thinking. If you have right tools then you can be more productive and effective and can realize your full potential as a Developer.  Java, as a popular and versatile programming language, is widely used for developing a wide range of applications, from enterprise-level systems to mobile and web applications. To enhance productivity and streamline the development process, Java developers rely on a variety of tools specifically designed for Java development. In this article, we will explore 10 essential Java development tools that are invaluable for both beginners and experienced programmers.

Whether you are just starting your journey as a Java developer or have been coding in Java for years, these tools can significantly simplify your development workflow, improve code quality, and boost overall productivity. 

From integrated development environments (IDEs) to build automation tools and code analysis utilities, these tools cover various aspects of Java development and offer a range of features to support developers at every stage of their projects.

We will delve into each tool, highlighting its key features, benefits, and practical use cases. By familiarizing yourself with these essential Java development tools, you can optimize your coding experience, collaborate effectively, debug efficiently, and ensure the stability and efficiency of your Java applications.

10 Essential Java Development Tools for Beginners and Experienced Programmers

Whether you're a beginner looking for a reliable development environment or an experienced programmer seeking advanced debugging and profiling tools, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the vast landscape of Java development tools and equip you with the knowledge to make informed choices based on your specific needs and preferences. 

Let's dive into the world of essential Java development tools and discover how they can empower you to write high-quality, efficient, and robust Java code.

1. Git

It is one of the most essential tool for any programmer, not just Java developers. Git is a distributed source control and most preferred source control system along with Github for storing code. Even though, Most of the IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ supports Git, it's worth knowing Git in detail and working on command line. If you want to start with Git now, The Git Complete Guide is a good course to start with.


2. Maven

It is one of the most popular build and project management tool in Java world. Maven allows you to organize your code by providing a standard setup. It provides plugin to compile, test, deploy and even generate documentations. 

Most importantly it provides dependency management, which means it automatically download all dependent JARs for your project while building it. 

You don't need to spend countless hours chasing ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError due to wrong version of transitive dependency. If you haven't learned Maven yet and want to learn, Maven Fundamentals course by Pluralsight is a good place to start with.

3. Jenkins

Jenkins is another essential tool for Java developers. Almost all project I have worked in last a couple of year had continuous integration enabled using Jenkins. It is very flexible and can work with any kind of project. 

Jenkins automatically build your code hourly, nightly or whenever you commit changes. You can configure it do more e.g. push the build into test or live environment. 

With increased focus to DevOps in 2023, you just can't avoid Jenkins. If you decide to learn Jenkins in 2023 then these best CI/CD course with Jenkins is good place to start with, you can find that on Pluralsight, but you need membership to view that. If you have don't have membership, you can still try it for 10-days.

4. Eclipse/IntelliJIDEA

Open-source integrated development environment (IDE). If you could have just one tool for Java development, Eclipse would be a good choice.

5. Docker

Docker is a great tool for developers. It can not only help you during Development but also on Deployment. Gone are the days when developer struggle to run a complex Java application suite from their local machine. 

With containers like Docker you can bundle everything you need to run a Java application together. After that you just need to start the container and it will magically start your application.


This has become an increasingly important tool for not just Java developers but everyone who is following Agile practices. JIRA is a tool from Atlassian which is used to tracking work progress. Issue

7. JUnit

JUnit is the most popular unit testing library for Java developers. With increased focus on code quality, It would be very difficult to get a job in 2023 if you are not familiar with unit testing. There is no excuse now to avoid unit testing and every Java developer must know JUnit and how to write unit test. If you lack that knowledge but want to learn unit testing and particularly JUnit 5, the new version of JUnit library, then this course from Udemy is good starting point.

8. Mockito

It is another essential unit testing tool or Java developers. Mockito is an open-source testing framework that enables the creation, verification, and stubbing of mocks. If you want to learn Mockito, I suggest you to take this course from Udemy. One of the best course to learn Mockito and other unit testing framework.

9. VisualVM

This tool is use to monitor your JVM and that's why every Java developer should be familiar with it. It's a free tool which comes with JDK and provides an all-in-one Java troubleshooting experience. 

You can use this to check garbage collection, number of threads in your JVM, how much memory left and some other important stats for your application. 

It also allow you to take thread-dump for your Java application. I suggest you to further read The Definitive Guide of Java performance to learn more about VisualVM and other JVM performance tuning tools.

10. Gradle

Another awesome build tool for Java developer, which uses Groovy instead of XML. It automates the building, testing, publishing, deployment, and more of software as well as generating static websites or documentation. If you want to learn Gradle, I suggest you to look at Gradle Fundamentals course on Pluralsight.

That's all about 10 essentials tools for Java developers in 2023. If you want to be successful in your career and do well in 2023 then you should learn and master these tools. You will need in your day-to-day life. Sometime you may need to learn an alternative as well for example, if you know Maven but your project is still using ANT then you need to learn that but most of the time you will be working on these 10 essential tools.

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