Saturday, April 27, 2024

5 difference between L1A and L1B USA Visas?

If you are working for an investment bank like Barclays, UBS, Goldman Sachs, or Citibank or a service company like Infosys or TCS and thinking to move to the USA on L1 VISA then but don't know the difference between L1A and L1B USA visas then you have come to the right place. In this article, I'll explain the difference between those two. Many of my friends have moved to the USA on L1A and L1B in the last couple of years hence I have some personal experience talking with them. Similar to H1 VISA, L1 VISA is also a temporary VISA that allows a foreigner to work in the USA.

This is more of a company sending an employee to their USA branch rather than an employee applying for a VISA. For example, you can go to the USA on L1 VISA, either L1A or L1B if you are working for a multi-national company for 3 years which also has operations in the USA

They are also known as intra-company transfer VISAs because you actually transferred from one branch of the company to their USA branch. For example, an IT guy working for Barclays in London can go to the Barclays USA on L1A or L1B VISA.

In this case, The company (Barclays) will be the petitioner and your VISA will be tied to it, which means you cannot change the job or employer, unlike H1B VISAs. They are also premium VISAs which means petitions for both of them allow premium processing.

What is difference between L1 A and L1 B USA Visa?

Here is some of the important difference between L1A and L1B Visa for going to the USA. The list of differences includes details related to eligibility, duration, benefits, and advantage of applying green card for permanent residency. 

1. Eligibility

You must have work for 1 year in the last 3 years for the company which is transferring you to their US office on L1 VISA. L1A is for managers i.e. someone who will manage the USA business or the company or manages one of its branches or business area, while L1B is for technical people with specialized skills.

2. Duration

In general, the L1A Visa holder get Visa for a longer duration than L1B Visa holders. Precisely, L1A Visas are valid for 7 years while L1B visas are valid for 5 years.

3. Bringing Family

One of the most important benefits of an L1A or L1B Visa is that you can bring your family to the USA. Both allow you to bring your spouse and children under 21 years of age abroad as dependent upon you.

5 Difference between L1A and L1B USA Visas

4. Can Spouse work

Many IT professional which takes their family to the USA as dependent on H1B Visa regrets that their spouse can't work but with L1A Visa, you get this benefit. Your spouse can work if you go to the USA on L1 Visa, including both L1A and L1B.

5. Green Card Application

Another benefit of going USA on an L1A Visa is preferential treatment while applying for a green card. , L1A doesn't need PERM LABOR CERTIFICATION approval but L1B does need them. L1A also gets a green card within less than one year.

That's all about the difference between L1A and L1B USA VISAs. Whatever I have told you is more of personal experience than reading the documents, which means they may not be as comprehensive and accurate as an immigration attorney or VISA agent will tell you. They are good for a general idea but if you need more accurate and comprehensive information, I suggest you consult a professional immigration agent or company.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find this information useful then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions then please drop a note. 

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